Franco Pegonzi - Review
" [...]
After achieving this Gate of Salvation, the metaphor of
the tree becomes crucial in Pegonzi's works, though it takes
on the opposite meaning to what it had in the past. It in
fact ceases to be apure symbol of harmony. Silent growth
in dual direction, link between darkness and light, dia-
logue between earth and sky with the twofold breathing
of leaves and roots. If the sky is the expression of the un-
grasp able divine, how greater the suffering ofman and
tree in the immeasurable distance from it. Mans suffer-
ing in social isolation, and the tree paining in the envi-
ronmental desolation caused by human hands. His last
Great tree, 2003 here then becomes impetus, scream,
ultimate plea exploding from the present dramatic con-
Thus Pegonzi's stone becomes prayer again through an
undoubtedly more patient artistic expression. In this sort
of votive offering that the sculptor conceives as a reply
of our uneasy period to the religious tension for beauty
that has pervaded his town. In this case too he resorts to
the more congenial grayish-green Matraia stone, so hard
and discrete and ascetic. He has carved the shape di-
rectly from a huge block, inventing the fittest tools to
carry out his work. Here then the great tree twisting
from the ground searching the sky. With a swift, almost
"Gothic" twisting movement, it tries to uproot itself, its
foliage spread out, like an invoking mouth or desperate
outstretched arms. In Piazza San Michele it tries to start
again the dialogue with the Archangel that disperses the
darkness of evil. The moaning tree rooted to the earth
and the Other rooted to the sky smiling. Who knows if
they will ever embrace again."
Giuseppe Cordoni - 2003